Testimonials from new Donkey Parents ![]() We LOVE him!! Thank you so much again for making such a perfect boy for our family! (August 2019) ![]() I just got back from the barn. She ate and pooped and peed and drank She follows us everywhere. She’s so sweet. I love her so much ![]() She is such a special little girl. I’ll keep you updated with pictures. Patricia Milan ( August 2019) ![]() Hi Nadia - Here she is, such a sweet little girl. She has settled in and they are good pals. The first picture is when I called them to come see me. Heads up and they both walked over to the gate to let me pet them (2nd pic). I loved on them for a while. Then took hay out to them. You can see how relaxed she is. I go visit them several times a day. I see what you mean about her responding because you are talking to her. I think she does the same with me. She is doing very well all around and I am so pleased to have her. Our vet is coming Saturday morning for the annual check up and to give vaccinations. She is eager to meet her. She has a new barn name, Josie. She is a darling and I couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you so much for everything. (30. April 2019) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Kailua hat heute ein gesundes Mädchen zur Welt gebracht. Arctic Lady ist extrem hübsch und wir sind total verliebt!!! 13,4kg. Kailua ist eine super Mutter und beiden geht es prächtig.
Die Kleine ist so reizend, dass MUSS man der Welt zeigen.
Gestern war auch der Hufschmied da und alle sind wieder schick. Es hat
sehr gut geklappt.
VlG Babett (13. April 2019) **************************** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Es ist wirklich alles super und den MiniDonkeys geht es prima. Sie haben sich sehr gut eingelebt. Wir sind sehr dankbar dafür mit Ihnen leben und arbeiten zu dürfen. 🥰
Jabez und Ileco, ein Texaner und ein Franzose, sind mit meinen
Alpaka- Absetzern schon an unseren Gasthof umgezogen. Es war so
schön zu beobachten, wie sich Eselchen und Alpakas annäherten.
Anfangs hielten sie einen Mindestabstand, heute grasen sie
nebeneinander. Die beiden Donkeys kommen zu den Gästen an den Zaun,
während die Alpakas Abstand halten und so ergänzen Sie sich toll.
Ansonsten habe ich noch ein herrliches Foto. Am Samstag zwischen Ostern
hatte ich 2 Trekkingtouren mit unseren Alpakas am Gasthof. Dort sind
doch die Eslejungs in der Gruppe. Es hat keine 2 Tage gebraucht, bis
sich die beiden mit meinen Jungtieren angefreundet haben... echt super.
Und stell dir vor, sie waren auch mit durch den Wald wandern. Wir haben
wirklich sehr viel Freude mit unseren Tieren!!! (April 2019)
![]() Oh we love her so much. She is precious She loves Melvin. They are never apart. They are stuck like glue. They even sleep in the same stall. Thank you so much for letting us have her. She does love peppermints, too. Come see her anytime! (21. March 2019) ![]() He is the SWEETEST animal on the farm! I was sitting on the ground petting and talking to him this morning. I started crying over how sweet he is and that's when I'd thought for sure he understood me because he snuggled up & then gently head bumped me. Too sweet!! I can't thank you enough! Thank you! Thank you! Michelle (Oct. 2017) ![]() They were great travelers.. every time I checked they were eating or just resting against each other. When we got home I left them to explore their new area and they just walked around nibbling at this and that. Didn't seem stressed at all. This morning they are following me around like puppy dogs and I am totally loving on them. I am in heaven that is for sure! (Sept 16, 2017) Just wanted to let you know Socks and Poppy are doing great. Everyone that comes to see them loves them... they can't believe how calm and friendly they are. On Tuesday I let them out of the smaller paddock into their big field and they were in heaven! Thank you again for raising such wonderful boys. I love them so much. (Nancy Sept. 23, 2017)
Here are the girls with the
other girls and my Paint this morning. Just love them soooooooo much! Oh
they are doing wonderful! Seem very happy and we are so thrilled to have
them. All four of them are so good together and you cannot separate them
now and they are so attached. They are so cute all together. (August
![]() ![]() ![]() Sincerely, Jim & Wendie Tallent and Megan Hodgson. (November 2016). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brad Fitzpatrick (Sept. 2016) ![]() ![]() ![]() Valentine in her new home with her new best mule friend Peaches (April 2016) ![]() ![]() Diamond in her new home - putting herself to the same height as her new friend... (April 2016) Malia and Tina in their new home soaking up all the attention they can get - just two days after they arrived there. We are so happy to have met such a nice family! Thank you for giving these three special girls such a wonderful and loving home. April 2016 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Watch little Medici on youtube to see what Heather taught him: http://youtu.be/z0IkHWv2VQc (if link does not work got to youtube and enter: 20150107155640) http://youtu.be/cybdmRzTWAY http://youtu.be/gRL8dK9TM14 March 2015: Nadia, your donkeys are the best gift I've ever received! Mocha does not do tricks, but we still love her sweet little self. :) Heather - Gray Oak Boarding & Training Inc.
Medici is thriving. He loves the human company and is
so smart that I've been teaching him little tricks. He will touch my face if
I ask for a kiss, and if I place a hula hoop around his neck he will step
high with his front legs one at a time until it is around his waist. He's so
smart. Sounds silly, but he even likes to wear a little hat that I put on
him as a joke because it got so cold all of a sudden. They are both so
beautiful and kind and cooperative that I can't get over my love for them. I
put a little scarf and headband on Mocha for Halloween fun and she didn't
mind at all. I'm really enjoying them. I've sent you a pic of them in their
hats. Drew thinks I should make a calendar with them on every page.
I told Drew when I retire from horseback riding
I'm going to have a small herd of donkeys instead of horses because they are
so much more loving and sweet. Heather (Oct
Just a quick update to let you
know the girls are doing great! I can't believe they have only been with
us for five weeks. We practice leading every day. We also brush hair
everyday. They are both becoming divas. I tell everyone that they are my
blood pressure medication. There is no way to be stressed out when you
are greeted with their sweet dispositions. All they want to do is make
me happy! I have been so surprised by their intuitiveness and
intelligence. Neither of them miss a thing, wish I was as quick.
Thanks for all the love and attention that you gave
them while they were with you. I know that they would not be the loving
little girls that they are without you being in their lives.
Kimberly M.
They are doing FANTASTIC. I can't say
enough about them. I really feel guilty having them in the barn.
They should be in my house. They are more like dogs than outside
donkeys LOL. I would love to get another one. My birthday is coming
up in May. I would love to have another black and white Spotted.
Pebbles is the ''Princess'' of the farm
and believe me she knows it. Bam Bam is so sweet but he will let her
know when he has had enough. Pebbles runs, plays, bucks and
wants Bam Bam to do the same. He does when he's good and ready.
They're always looking for me. I love it! Like two puppies that
can't wait to be with me. I must have more. I am so addicted to
these babies. I included more photos. Pebbles and Bam Bam are by
precious little dolls and I love them with all my heart. My husband
loves them too. He kisses them and talks to them. We take them for
walks like puppies on a leash. My neighbors love them. We have great
fun. Let me know what you have for babies this spring. I
hope all is well with you and yours.
As always,
I am so very impressed in these two kids. They
are just fantastic. You obviously give your donkeys great care and
attention. Thank you so very much for these sweet babies. My husband and I
love them so very much. We are hooked!!!
My friends and family were cooing over them as if they were human
As always,
Hi Nadia,
I just had to send you this photo. This is my
17.1 hand 1800 lb.Spotted Draft stallion. He is smitten with Pebbles. (left
picture). Right picture: Pebbles and my pug "Jelly Bean".
Pebbles is so irresistible. I can't stay away from
her. Oh I'm in love.She is my baby.
She'll probably end up living in the house with us. She likes the Pugs and
they like her. Bam Bam gives us a
big HEEEE HAAAAW when he sees us. He's a doll too.
Happy New Year
Here are Basmati, Nery and Frosty with owner Christine on one of their 2-3 hours long weekly hikes in the Italian mountains! Here is what Christine wrote but it is in German: Liebe Nadia Viele liebe Grüsse nach Kentucky
Here are Valentine and Gelati saying hello from Austria. Their owner Martina goes for walks with them regularly.
Rodina and Qwendi, Belgium
Coconut and Magic in Switzerland Oliver (Little Ike) has already stole our heart. I just can't
begin to tell you what a doll Oliver is. He can't stand Oliver in his new home enjoying his hugs! Debbie Erickson and Trick or Treat - she lives in Penryn, CA. October 2007 Hello Nadia, Three years ago today, October 9, your La Luna and Twinkle arrived here at our home in Connecticut. I can not describe to you the joy and love they have brought us in these three years. They are incredible, intelligent, loving, humorous, beautiful creatures. Thank you for helping us discover the world of miniature donkeys. As I thought about their 3 year anniversary with us, I decided to let you know that they are the loves of our lives. Thank you again for bringing Luna and Twinkle into our lives. We would not give them up for anything in the world. I hope you and your family are well. Always, Lisa Cooney Twinkle and Luna three years after going to their new home! October 2007 I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know just how great the boys are doing. They have settled in very well, and are playing together like 2 little puppies. My mares actually love them!!!! Didn't expect that to happen. When I go to feed the horses, little Jackson (Argentino) comes right into the tack room with me, and I think Casper (Micardo) would too if there was enough room. Oh- the neighbors are getting such a laugh out of watching the 2 of them chase either other around the paddocks. Jackson will chase Casper, and then they reverse order and Casper chases Jackson. THEY ARE THE SWEETEST THINGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! Sandy Holzwarth Argentino taking the donkey limo home with his new owners. (August 2007) Ulla Schumann with her family, Thumper and Almond Joy - Gittelde, Germany Pictures: Left Summer - 2007 - Right: Winter 2007/08 The Schumann's take their four legged family members on long hikes. Nadia:
Hello Nadia and Freddie, Nadia...Just wanted you to know that Celina arrived yesterday
morning at
Hi Nadia: They are such a joy to have!
Stormy and Little Bee all grown up in their first parade - September 2007!
Hello! These are some of the pictures we took of Monito's arrival here this afternoon. The girls are so excited and can't stop lovin' on him. Thank you so much Nadia for selling us such a dear sweet baby! We are all in love with him.
The girls are in training today. Brittany has Jabar (4 month old Arabian
colt). While Teresa has Monito. He just loves Jabar and will follow him
anywhere. Which is making it very easy to train him to lead. The girls are
having a ball and I'm feeling so much better.
I have Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Arthritis and Sleep Apnea. My husband
commented that Monito is a 'God-send' since I've been feeling so much better
and have been able to get out of the house more these past two days than I've
been out in months! LOL The girls have taken them to all our neighbors and
everyone is in love with Monito. I have a feeling he'll be a true therapy
Thanks ever so much Nadia!
We love him, love him, love him!!!
Love Linda, Jerry and the girls
Happy Holidays
I hope that you
are your family are doing well; Luna and Twinkle sure seem to be.
We are so in love
with these two precious babies that we just can not stand it!
I sit and watch
them and still sometimes can not believe that they are actually here with us.
They are playful
and loving; they are mischievous and sneaky. They are such good, good girls
with this little streak of naughtiness just under the surface that gets us
every time. They do not seem to miss a trick, always curious and checking
everything out. Today Twinkle lead the way for their very first romp in the
snow. They pranced around, ran their noses through it and tossed their heads
I start and end
every day by spending some time just quietly being with them. It is a
wonderful way to live! I I pray that they will be safe, healthy and happy and
that we will have a very long future together to laugh, learn and love. Thank
you for bringing these incredible creatures into our lives. I would not trade
them for anything in the world.
The best to you
and your family in the new year.
Lisa Cooney
Hi Nadia,
I wanted to email you a picture of us, taken the next day after we had gotten home safely, Smile. My Taco (D'Angelo) is a Baby Doll !!! He is very loving, sweet, had been very well taken care of the 5 months that I was waiting for him. He is everything that I had wanted in a baby and more. I am in Love! Thank You Nadia for such a Fine little Jack! Sherry from Tennessee
Well, we're
now nearly at the 3-month mark with our two lovely 'Little Friends' girls and
we want to take a moment to express our thanks to you for the beautiful job
you've done with them before they came to our new upstate NY farm and
mini-donkey barn!
II and Windy Meadows are quite the attraction in the FingerLakes region.
They've been in the newspaper, and have had dozens and dozens of admirers stop
to talk to them (and us). Mom (Cookie II) appears to be pregnant and doing
well; her foal, Windy Meadows is adorable and the sweetest thing on legs! She
'talks' to the large Pekin ducks in the pen next to the barn and imitates them
rather than her mother at this point. It's SO cute!
Eileen from New York
" We are so blessed to have Lora Lee."
"Loralee finally got here Wednesday about 4:00
PM. The kids are in love with her. She is so gentle and never seems to mind
them brushing and petting her. I am so amazed how different her temperament
is from a horse. We are thrilled with Loralee.
Thanks for everything." Beverly from Texas
We have been so happy with our purchase of babies Patrick and
Mahogany! They are just the sweetest longears one could ask for! They traveled
from Kentucky to Maine in 30 hours and never once complained or even acted upset
over the whole situation! And the fine folks at Little Friends Ranch made this
such a pleasant event! Thank you so much, Nadia & Freddie!
babies!!!!!!! They are the BEST- obviously Claudia from Maryland Claudia wrote this wonderful letter for me to share: After developing an interest in miniature donkeys I read
everything I could get my hands on, visited many web pages and called countless
breeders. My heart was captured by a picture of a baby donkey on the "Little
Friend's Ranch" Web page. His name is Tequila and I immediately e-mailed an
inquiry when he was just 10 days old. I was instantly impressed by the
compassion and knowledge of his breeder, Nadia. We Thanks again for your hospitality and the babies. They have far exceeded my expectations... and please thank Freddie again too, it was such a pleasure meeting you both (and your adorable kids). Sincerely, Claudia McElvaney, Maryland, Extremely happy donkey owner
Testimonials from new "Donkey Parents" Vicious Dog Attacks (contains a disturbing picture)
Please click the link below to E-mail us: The Little Friends Ranch Nadia Attia-O'Bryan 1034 Carl Crisp Rd. Almo, KY 42020 270-753-9270
since 8. Feb. 04
Last modified: 02/07/25 09:52 PM Website designed by Nadia Attia-O'Bryan Copyright © Nadia Attia-O'Bryan, all rights reserved |